Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Summer Wine

Ah-- I'm trying to decide whether today will be my Friday or whether tomorrow will be Friday... Choices, choices ! It's sunny and in the high eighties, with some humidity. White wine should help me in the decision making process, and I will admit I bought this one purely because I liked the label! Stay tuned to see how this one plays out...
POSTSCRIPT Verdict: I could definitely taste the pear notes in this wine. It's fresh and when you pour it seems to fizz a bit, almost like a sparkling wine. But- it is a true light summer white wine, very fresh and light. This wine comes from Mason Cellars in California's Sacramento Delta area. This Pinot Gris has won an award from Wine Spectator as the best value wine. So one of my questions was What's the difference between a pinot grigio and a pinot gris? I didn't know this either so I did some quick research-- a pinot grigio is the Italian version of the French pinot gris and typically has a more citrus flavor. They both come from the same grape, originally grown in the Alsace region of France (now grown all over the world), but the Italian Pinot Grigio became popular for it's light bodied white wine. the French Pinot Gris is a fuller bodied white wine. 
Since my recent tour of sustainable wine growing vineyards through Sonoma County, I was interested in checking out Mason Cellars online. Unfortunately, they don't discuss sustainable grape growing practices, (Yes, I can now say the words "sustainable viticulture" without tripping my tongue!)  so I'll assume they haven't reached that point yet. 

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