Sunday, October 28, 2012

Waiting for Sandy

The temps have already dropped and overnight we went from high sixties temps to low fifties with cold air coming from the north. Hurricane Sandy is making its way up the East Coast, and so hurricane preparations are underfoot. the yard furniture is stowed on the back deck, and I've laid in a supply of candles, matches, and batteries. By far and away, these Eddie Bauer flashlights and lanterns are my absolute favorites!
These little lanterns act as flashlights or lanterns. They can hang because there is a hook that slips out of the top handle, or they can stand on their own. I've bought quite a few of these little wonders, but they keep disappearing and I'm down to these two. The little green guy on the left is a generator-type flashlight with a smart little hand crank that needs to be wound about 150 cranks to make the light work. It's fabulous because this one doesn't require batteries, and actually the handcranking is not so bad! I've also bought enough candles to get us through the entire holiday season and more, and then, of course, there is the storing up on human and animal food in case the power goes out. The electronics are charging, and so now it's all about waiting...

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