Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Sunrise Mass 2014

Up at 0430 to walk the dog and get ready for the 0600 Easter Sunrise Mass at St. Anthony in the Hills. It's an outdoor coliseum and always cold this early, so everyone shows up carrying blankets and snugly bundled in winter's warmest! It dark as a long line of car lights snail through the path to find a parking space near the top.

A pink sunrise-- what is that old expression? "Red sky in the morn and sailors take warn?" Hope we don't get bad weather coming our way- we've had enough this past winter...
The mass begins with the Bible story of the crucifixion on the old spectacle/pageant style...
Someone in the area must have a chicken coop because a rooster crows throughout the mass...

We head off to Perkins for breakfast. Happy Easter everyone!

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