Saturday, December 31, 2011

Closing Out 2011

Only a few hours left and 2011 will be history. I am way behind in updating this blog, and since my New Year's Eve will be spent at home with the telly, I hope to muster the strength to update this blog.

I always look forward to the break between the holidays and have great plans for doing lots of things-- but tend to forget how time consuming it is to pick up this one at the airport, take that one to the bus, train, or whatever... not that I mind, but I just forget how running other people around takes me away from things I had planned to do. That's parenthood-- I don't ever want to NOT do that or be there for my children-- no matter how old or grown up they are.

It's also been a challenging week because the day after Christmas I developed a whopping cold-- head and chest-- and am coughing and wheezing like an old bicycle. This draws me back to my youth in Holland when I would always get sick with bronchitis and my aunts and uncles were busy tending to me and offering various remedies (such as hot toddies and piling on the blankets) to make me "sweat it out."

This week I've been using modern medicines in the form of over-the-counter drugs to quelch my cold-- and I think all I've done is make the drug companies richer and provided my cold with gourmet appetizers! None of them seem to be helping- so guess what? It's NYE and I am not going anywhere so I may just try that hot toddie and blanket remedy this evening.

I'll let you know how it goes... Cheers!

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